Rro Groundnut Oil Jar 5Ltr

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(1 Review(s))
MRP ₹1275 ₹1188 (7% OFF)


RRO Primio Refined Groundnut Oil is completely taste and odour free, and it enhances the taste of food. A multi-purpose medium, suitable for all types of cuisines and cooking.

More Information
Brand RRO
Calorie Unit of Serving:Per 100g Energy (Kcal):900 Saturated Fat (Saturated fatty Acids):17g Mono unsaturated fatty acids:54g Poly unsaturated fatty acids:29g Trans fatty acids:0g Cholesterol:0mg Pr
Ingredients Edible groundnut oil, free from argemone oil
Nutritional Value Unit of Serving:Per 100g Energy (Kcal):900 Saturated Fat (Saturated fatty Acids):17g Mono unsaturated fatty acids:54g Poly unsaturated fatty acids:29g Trans fatty acids:0g Cholesterol:0mg Protein:0g Carbohydrates:0g Sugars:0g Others:Vitamin E-42.4mg
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